Policy 1A.10: Communication
The colleges will maintain an open communication process and structure that informs members of the college community, promotes interaction and collaboration amongst all employees and students, and provides staff and students the opportunity to express ideas and influence decision-making.
An important part of the philosophy of the colleges is to function in a climate that facilitates communication and collaboration. Essential to this philosophy is the belief that individuals work most effectively when they participate in shaping the system of which they are a part and the belief that authority should be delegated where possible and appropriate.
The Colleges recognize and encourage open door and in person meetings as the preferred method of communication but that it is not always possible. Therefore, to assist in furthering communication, the Colleges also recognize that the College Bulletin, Weekly Update, LinkEd Blog, e-mail, and written communication are also forms of Official Communication.
Refer to:
Minnesota State Board Policy 5.22 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology Resources
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